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Interactive Handout – White Hat Inspiration

White Hat Mechanics of Success Models and Concepts

The following tiles represent the way Tom Partridge thinks about instructional design

relative to driving performance and learning needs.

Putting on the White Hat

is about focusing on

the right things

at the right time 

based on organizational

and people realities.

White Hat Domains

◐ Enterprise

◓ Program Development

◒ People Engagement

◑ Resource Development

White Hat Instructional Design Model

(Project Management)

First – Investigation | Solutions

Second – Creation | Continuous Improvement

Third – Implementation | Life Cycles

White Hat Future Proofing

Always be Learning | The Mechanics of Success

Success = Speaking + Writing + Ideas

Strategies need Tactics

The White Hat is an experience.

Curiosity | Ingenuity | Perseverance

White Hat Learning Frameworks


White Hat Learning Elements

​Fellow Traveler Orientations

Tailored Learning Experiences

Backstory and Background

Learning Tracks

​Area of Focus (AOF)

Chunked Learning (AOF, Segments, Parts)

But Wait, There's More!

Dialog Starter Kits & Instructor Guides

Calls to Action | Deliverables 

White Hat Levels of Learning

1st Foundations
2nd Essentials
3rd Intermediate
4th Advanced

The Ecosystems Experience 

Ecosystem 1 Stakeholders & SMEs
Ecosystem 2 Instructional Design
Ecosystem 3 Learning Programs
Ecosystem 4 Training Delivery
Ecosystem 5 Leadership & Management
Ecosystem 6 Learning Management Systems
Ecosystem 7 Universal Foundations

Learning Resources


Tool Boxes and Kits
Universal Foundations

Learning Consultants and Mentors

Stakeholders and SMEs as Trainers

Learning Experience Control Center

Learning and Performance Impact


Dragon Slaying (Defining Success)

KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes & Abilities)

Knowledge Checks and Assessments

On the Job KSA Transfer

Relentless Learning Mindsets


Always be Learning

Self-motivated Tailored Learning

Continuous Improvement (C.I.)

Someday, I will put cool stuff here!

White Hat Keep "It" Simple & Short

Keeping Learning "Simple" is relative to enterprise and personal needs and requirements. Chunked learning (3-15 minutes) inspires binge learning (30-120 minutes). 

The White Hat Models are Designed to Focus the Best Learning and Development Models.


ADDIE, Blended Learning (Rotation, Flex, À La Carte, and Enriched Virtual), Bloom's Taxonomy, Competency Stages, Flipped Learning, Kirkpatrick’s Model of Training Evaluation, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), SAM. 


White Hat

White Hat 






White Hat
Instructional Design
Model of Models

White Hat Universal Foundations

Content Developed by Tom Partridge that Applies to Many Types of Learning Programs

Leadership Foundations

Coaching Leadership Progression

Coaching the Frontline

​◑ Enterprise Culture

Critical Thinking 
Change Management
ID Project Management

Story Telling
Workshop Facilitation
Train the Trainer (T3)
Selling Training to Stakeholders

Tom's Corporate Learning Programs – LEAD VXI University  OneOC Nonprofit Portfolio Proposal

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 The Learning Programs –  WHE Training Tom's Portfolio   White Hat Nonprofit Initiative (WHNI) WHE Blog

White Hat Models

Interactive Handout – White Hat Inspiration: U Chicago Leadership Lab


LEADERSHIP LAB: The Craft of Writing Effectively

UChicago Social Sciences Leadership Lab:

The Craft of Writing Effectively 1:21:51

Do you worry about the effectiveness of your writing style? As emerging scholars, perfecting the craft of writing is an essential component of developing as graduate students, and yet resources for honing these skills are largely underutilized.

Larry McEnerney, Director of the University of Chicago's Writing Program, led this session in an effort to communicate helpful rules, skills, and resources that are available to graduate students interested in further developing their writing style.

Example from Video

The University Of Chicago Writing Program
On The Function and Value 
Of Academic Writing



Writing Beyond the Academy

UChicago Social Sciences Leadership Lab:

Writing Beyond the Academy 1.23.15

Speaker: Larry McEnerney (University of Chicago Writing Program)

When graduate students envision themselves working outside academia, they often worry about writing.  This is sensible: academics who work outside academia are endlessly criticized for writing "like a professor".  Worse, writers who are criticized in this way are often baffled at how to adapt to their new world.  Very often, they try to change aspects of their writing that are not troublesome, and they leave in place aspects of their writing that are making their writing less clear, less logical, and less valuable to their readers. 

This session will be about a few patterns of writing that are likely to aggravate non-academic readers.  We'll focus on patterns that are often difficult for academics to see, but are actually fairly easy to change.

Leadership lab

Additional Resources

The Craft of Writing Effectively (UChicago Leadership Lab)

Timelines (See Below):

The Craft of Writing Effectively

Writing Beyond the Academy 

Additional Resources

"Your success in life

will be determined largely by

your ability to speak,

your ability to write, and

the quality of your ideas,

in that order."

How To Speak by Patrick Winston: MIT OpenCourseWare

View the complete course:

The Craft of Writing Effectively,

How To Speak

UChicago Social Sciences Leadership Lab:

Writing Beyond the Academy 1.23.15

Patrick Winston's How to Speak talk has been an MIT tradition for over 40 years. Offered every January, the talk is intended to improve your speaking ability in critical situations by teaching you a few heuristic rules.

00:16 - Introduction
03:11 - Rules of Engagement
04:15 - How to Start
05:38 - Four Sample Heuristics
10:17 - The Tools: Time and Place
13:24 - The Tools: Boards, Props, and Slides
36:30 - Informing: Promise, Inspiration, How To Think
41:30 - Persuading: Oral Exams, Job Talks, Getting Famous
53:06  - How to Stop: Final Slide, Final Words
56:35 - Final Words: Joke, Thank You, Examples

How To Speak
Innovation Inspiration

Innovation Inspiration

Liberating Structures

Including And Unleashing Everyone


Liberating Structures is licensed under a

Creative Commons License. 



Timeline: The Craft of Writing Effectively

1. This course is not about writing rules 3:04
2. Stop thinking about rules and start thinking about readers 3:55
3. The problems that domain experts have in their writing 4:00
4. Domain experts use writing to help themselves with thinking 4:51, if they don't do it this way, they can't think to the level they need
5. The challenge: the way that experts do their writing (to help with their thinking) is different to the way that readers can understand  6:53
6. The consequences 8:10 - 1. readers need to slow down and re-read many times 2. readers can't understand or misunderstand 3. readers give up
7. Readers read things that are valuable to them 11:52
8. Writings need to be clear, organized, persuasive and VALUABLE 13:45
9. Valuable to the readers of a research area (not everybody in the world) 15:20
10. An example of comparing two writings 17:16
11. Writing is not about communicating your ideas, it is about changing readers' ideas 21:24
12. Nothing will be accepted as knowledge or understanding until it has been challenged by people who have the competence to challenge 23:24, this determines the readers of our writing
13. A piece of writing is important, not because it is new and original; It is because it has value to some readers 25:16
14. What does the world of knowledge look like 28:00
15. Every research communities have their own code to communicate VALUE 31:30
16. Why does it take 5-6 years to get a PhD? 34:30 50% of the time is used to know the readers in the field
17. Using these words to show that you are aware of the research communities: widely, accepted, and reported 35:24
18. Flow/transition words can help to make writing preservative and organized: and, but, because, unless, nonetheless, however, although, etc. 36:00
19. Do things under the code of the communities 42:00
20. Another example 44:25
21. The function of a piece of writing is to move a research area forward, not to be preserved for 500 years 46:54
22. Writing is not about to express what is in our head, it is about changing other people's thoughts 48:50
23. The instability words that create tension/challenge: anomaly, inconsistent, but, however, although 54:00
24. Bad writing style: backgroud+thesis 55:07 and a better style: problem+solution 56:18
25. Learn the language code from the target publications 1:01:30
26. Literature review is used to enrich the problem 1:02:50
27. Problem vs background 1:06:47
28. Gap in the knowledge is dangerous 1:08:45
29. Identify the right readers (research communities) is important, but it could be difficult for interdisciplinary research 1:11:57

Special Thanks to Lei Xun

Timeline: The Craft of Writing Effectively


Timeline: Writing Beyond the Academy

1. This lecture is about 1.1 Why people that are really smart can have writing issues, 1.2 some techniques to solve these issues 2:17
2. More on 1.1 5:30, writings need to be clear, organized, persuasive and VALUABLE
3. Think about readers and the function of writing is important 7:25
4. Domain experts use writing to help themselves with thinking 9:20,  if contents are very complex, it is impossible to do good thinking (e.g. outline) first and then start writing. DO them together
5. One of the reasons that smart people can't do good writing is, in school, their readers (e.g. teachers) are paid (tuition) to read their writings, but other than that, their writings have no other values to their readers 11:20
6. An example 19:40
7. We shouldn't ALWAYS use short sentences 30:20
8. We were trained in school to use writing to express our idea, to show our understanding, not to create values for our readers 33:10
9. Stop thinking about writing rules 34:18, language is not rule-following, is about control the reading process 36:30
10. How to make writing valuable to readers 40:30 - make arguments, tell what questions (i.e. reader's questions) that the paper will answer
11. We value about reading bad stuff 55:25. I guess the way people tend to use "bad word" for eye-catching could be related to a TED talk about bad stuff last in our mind longer: Getting stuck in the negatives (and how to get unstuck) | Alison Ledgerwood | TEDxUCDavis
12. Readers don't trust writers 1:02:45
13. Think about how we should struct our writing based on who is our potential readers 1:05:40. In English, subject is the focus of a sentence

Special Thanks to Lei Xun

Timeline: Writing Beyond the Academy


© 2022 by Tom Partridge Consulting | White Hat Experience: Generation 1.0 Beta

No reproduction or republication without written permission.

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