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White Hat Objectives Creation Formula
Interactive Handout | ID Dialog Job Aid
Learning and Performance Objectives
Tying Workplace Learning to Business Results 

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Navigation: Where will your journey take you today?

Learning & Performance Objectives

Defining Success One Objective at a Time 

White Hat Objectives Creation Formula

A: Performance Objectives


In-house, Distance Working, and Hybrid

Existing and desired on-the-job metrics, directives, measurements, requirements, goals,

and return on investment (ROI) factors

B: Learning Programs Objectives


In-house, Distance Learning, and Hybrid

Existing and desired learning programs

KSA: Knowledge | Skills | Attitudes 

C: Learning Objectives


Mimic on the job objectives as close as possible in the context of realities

KSA: Knowledge | Skills | Attitudes 

A + B + C = D: Combining Learning, Learning Programs & Performance


Combining critical areas of awareness generates impactful guiding statements

Avoid objectives made in vacuums 

A + B + C + D = E: Learning Champions-Driven Objectives 

(Comprehensive Deliverable: Learning Champions Plan)

Presenting training objectives to decision-makers, subject matter experts (SME), stakeholders, and leaners

to gain buy-in and active participation 

In-house, Distance Working, and Hybrid Objectives (Outside the Learning Experience)

In-house, Distance Learning, and Hybrid Objectives (Inside the Learning Journey)

White Hat Experience Ecosystems

The White Hat Experience Ecosystems

Balancing the Mechanics of Success (Risk Taking with Preparation)

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
Abraham Lincoln

“Every risk is worth taking as long as it's for a good cause, and contributes to a good life.”
Richard Branson


Mission, Vision, Purpose

The Current States vs. Desired Future States

Gap Analysis and Innovation Brainstorming

People Engagement

Engagement Realities and Possibilities

The Current States vs. Desired Future States


Teams | Partners | Collaborators 

Program Development

Program Needs and  Realities

The Current States vs. Desired Future States


Gap Analysis  and Life Cycles. 

Resource Development

Existing | Desired | Priorities

The Current States vs. Desired Future States


Leverage | Activate | Research | Acquire

Universal Foundations (KSAs: Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (attitudes)

Topics Supporting Multiple Types of Learning Programs

Learning Set #1: Leadership Foundations, Coaching Leadership Progression, Coaching the Frontline, Enterprise Culture

Learning Set #2: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Change Management, Innovation Facilitation, Project Management

Learning Set #3: Storytelling (Presentations), Selling Foundations, Selling Training to Organizations and Learners

Defining Learning Frameworks

Crafting White Hat Learning Frameworks 

Conceptual Learning Structure | Insert Training Needs Here!

Variables: Learning Program(s) | Subject, Topics | Modules | Lessons | Levels: Foundations, Essentials, Intermediate, Advanced | Tracks | Area of Focus (AOF) + Strategies, Tactics + KSAs: Knowledge, Skills, Abilities (Attitude) | Learning Chunks

To what degree is each variable a factor: 0 = not applicable, 1 = minimal influence, 2 = in place no work needed

3= in place some work needed, 4 = main focus Signiant work needed, 5= mission critical

A: Learning Program(s) | Subject, Topics

Big Picture | Courses | Classes | Sessions | Workshops

  • High Level Needs Assessment – Requirements, considerations, realities, nice-to-haves

    • Who, What , When, Where, Why, How​

    • Current States | Gaps | Desired Future States

    • Future Proofing

  • Purpose – Engagement, Motivation onboarding, certifications, licensing (Examples: forklifts)

  • Organizational Culture – Is the culture ready for this effort?  

B: Modules | Lessons

Learning and Performance Objectives

  • Modules  What needs to be trained? 

  • Lessons  Logical module breakdowns

  • Workshops  Application breakdowns

  • On The Job  Work experience

C: Levels: Foundations, Essentials, Intermediate, Advanced

Progressive Learning

  • Foundations  Introductory material, definitions 

  • Essentials  Core elements needed to apply what is learned

  • Intermediate  Application of skills, interaction with knowledge

  • Advanced  Demonstrated on-the-job mastery 

D: Tracks | Area of Focus (AOF)

Organize Content Sections 

  • Audience People engagement needs

  • Priorities Nice-to-have vs. required

  • Sequence Order of appearance in training

E: Content

Needed and Available Material and Resources

Form (content) Follows Function (framework)

  • Strategies, Tactics

  • KSAs: Knowledge, Skills, Abilities (Attitude) 

  • Examples and Stories

Note: Perfect content does not exist.

Realities change.

F: White Hat Learning Chunks Structures

Learning Chunks are discrete, measurable units

that can be defined and negotiated.

  • Pre-training

  • During Training

  • Post-Training

A + B + C + D + E + F = G: Learning Framework 

Comprehensive Deliverable: Learning Framework Plan

  • Defining Success What does success look like by leadership, management, supervisors, and the front-line? How will you know it when you see it?  

  • Measuring Training Organizational metrics training can influence and reasonably measure. Kirkpatrick Levels: 1)  Reaction, 2) Learning, 3) Behavior, 4) Results

  • Reality Check  Are all decisions made above realistic? 

Visions, Missions, Goals, Values

White Hat Enterprise Statements

The White Hat Vision: To offer life-changing learning experiences and inspire people with engagements crafted to strategically change the world.  

White Hat Mission Statement

What: To cultivate White Hat mindset through real-life application experiences, collaborations, and partnerships.

Why: The world needs people and organizations of integrity dedicated to crafting positive change. 

How: Active White Hat interactions strive to drive positive life-enhancing behavior utilizing all White Hat areas of influence.

White Hat goals drive performance relative to clearly defined values-based quality control.

White Hat Learning

Mission Statement

What: To equip stakeholders and 

learners with relevant skills and knowledge.

Why: In ever changing times, a key is survival and thriving is to always be Learning and adapting.

How: We facilitate standardized, tailored, and certification training delivery services (experiences). 

WHL goals drive reaction, learning, and behavior outcomes based on a needs analysis, design document, and feedback process.

White Hat Experience

Mission Statement

What: To provide a global reaching learning environment servicing career enhancing, philanthropic, and organizational solutions. 

Why: Life is an experience. 

Relevant learning, collaboration, and partnerships are experiences the help give each persons White Hat meaning. 

How: People engagement learning experiences drive everything we do. 

WHE goals drive innovation, collaboration, and partnerships based on common aspirations and like mindsets.

Nonprofit Initiative

Mission Statement

What: To support nonprofit

organizational training and personal career growth and results.

Why: Nonprofits perform noble services for all of humanity and the earth. 

How: WHL provides tailored learning experiences driving nonprofit programs, people engagements, and resources. 

WHNI goals drive peaceful world-changing revolutions based on key stakeholder mindsets and needs.

Tom's Career Portfolio

Mission Statement

What: My career mission is to enhance personal and organizational life-cycles using learning program design, instructional design, and training delivery. 

Why: The world continues to navigate a new-normal and changing realities.   

How: I seek to engage people in the process of envisioning and crafting new futures through interactions with skills and knowledge.  

The Tom's Career Portfolio goals drive the communication of Tom's skills, knowledge, work history, and innovation based on learning and development best practices. 

Values Foundation

White Hat Experience: Learning (Program | People | Resources), Initiatives (Giving Back), Tom's Career Portfolio

Activate the right actions and behaviors at the right times  

People engagement is critical for success 

Find organizational culture best fits 

Leverage critical thinking skills 
Trust through honest communication

Seek to understand and respect before agreement

Decoding Employee Engagement Mindsets 
Missions | Vision | Values | Goals | Objectives | Ecosystems | Points of View (POV)

How do your employees perceive your organization and departments?

What words, concepts, and images describe the organization's efforts? 

White Hat ID Model of Models

White Hat Instructional Design Model of Models 

Learning Development Considerations


Curiosity | Ingenuity | Perseverance

Dragon Slaying Instructional Design

WH Tool Box_01.png

Tool Boxes

Tool Kits

Dragon Slaying – Defining the dragons you need to concur and tame.

Tools – Finding the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom need for success.

White Hat Instructional Design Model

(ID Project Management | A model of Models)


Continuous Improvement

Life Cycles


Developing Leaders and Managing Performance
1st Investigation & Solutions | 2nd Creation & Continuous Improvement | 3rd Implementation & Life Cycle

1st Investigation & Solutions:
1st Investigation | Solutions – Learning & performance needs assessments driving solutions proposals
We work with key stakeholders and decision-makers to establish direction, approval, and a champion plan.
Themes – White Hat instructional design models, innovation, performance planning, project management, estimates, prototypes vs mockups, proposals, work-approval sign-offs, initial go or no go

1st Investigation & Solutions:
We work with key stakeholders and decision-makers to establish direction, approval, and a champion plan.
Themes – White Hat instructional design models, innovation, performance planning, project management, estimates, prototypes vs mockups, proposals, work-approval sign-offs, initial go or no go

2nd Creation & Continuous Improvement:
2nd Creation | Continuous Improvement  – Building and updating learning assets based  on the latest information 
We develop and pilot test learning assets and delivery platforms.
Themes – Readiness Assessment Needs Assessment, Solutions Assessment, Success Definition(s), By What Measurements, Learning and Performance Objectives, Minimum Viable Products (MVP), Building and Testing, Life Cycle Continuous Improvement, Life Cycle Approvals, process considerations, project management, revised estimates, proposals, work-approval sign-offs, continue or halt

2nd Creation & Continuous Improvement:
We develop and pilot test learning assets and delivery platforms.
Themes – Readiness Assessment Needs Assessment, Solutions Assessment, Success Definition(s), By What Measurements, Learning and Performance Objectives, Minimum Viable Products (MVP), Building and Testing, Life Cycle Continuous Improvement, Life Cycle Approvals, process considerations, project management, revised estimates, proposals, work-approval sign-offs, continue or halt

3rd Implementation & Life Cycle:
3rd Implementation | Life Cycles – Launch and relaunch learning interventions while capturing realities and planning
We launch first life cycles and plan for future continuous improvement.
Themes – Minimum Prime Time Product (MPTP) launches, innovation research, life cycle leadership, learning management systems (LMS) (Needs, Readiness, Solutions), project management, implementation sign-offs

Life Cycles 
4.0: Post Training: After Action Desired Future State
4.1: Leverage the Past | Craft the Future

4.1.2: Backstory and Background Knowledge
Competency Building Leveraging Abilities (Natural, Innate) & Attitudes (White Hat Mindset)
Competency + Capacity = Capability

3rd Implementation & Life Cycle:
We launch first life cycles and plan for future continuous improvement.
Themes – Minimum Prime Time Product (MPTP) launches, innovation research, life cycle leadership, learning management systems (LMS) (Needs, Readiness, Solutions), project management, implementation sign-offs

What do you want to discuss during your White Hat Lunch and Learn? 

Exploring Lunch and Learn Subjects and Topics in an Experiential Context

Tom's Career & ID Services

Presented as a Training Delivery


Career Management | Presentation Skills | People Engagement  

The White hat



White Hat Learning and Working




Strategies and Tactics 

White Hat Instructional Design
The Truth About
Learning Models and Project Management

Curiosity | Ingenuity | Perseverance

You need these three traits while navigating instructional design projects. No perfect effective and efficient instructional design learning model exists. Definitions are never 100% agreed upon for any learning model.


All training subject matter experts have unique points of view, and none fully utilizes or knows about every learning model.


My solutions was to create the White Hat Instructional Design model.  

Learning Experience & Performance Architect
Internal and External Learning and Development 

ID project maangementWhite Hat Red Flag Warning!

Champions & SMEs 

Discovering the Language and Wordsmithing for Deliverables

Key Stakeholders and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) 

In this Portfolio Experience, you will see these warning boxes. Being a good collaborator and partner is in part about mitigating risk and setting expectations. This my goal! 

White Hat Instructional Design
Learning Models

ID Creation Table of Contents: 

  • White Hat Hybrid Needs Assessments –

  • ADDIE (Tom's Quality Control Approach [Roughly Speaking]) –

  • SAM (Tom's Process Approach [Roughly Speaking]) –

  • ID KISS Project Management – Keep It Simple Sam.

Best Practice Instructional Design Models 

(WH ID Model Leverages all ID Models as Needed)

ADDIE – ID Quality control and assurance 

SAM – Iterations development and life cycle ID project management process

Enhancing Learning Models –

SAT Methodology
The Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) Methodology

(Instructional Systems Development (ISD))


ADDIE: Analysis | Design | Development | Implementation | Evaluation

I use "|" instead of "" because I see these as interrelated elements and not a linear work progression. 

A: Analysis – Job tasks, skills and knowledge components, task standards
D: Design – Training objectives and requirements, prerequisite relationships, grouped and sequenced (courses and lessons)
D: Development – Course material, Exams, each objective is addressed
I: Implementation – Conduct training and programs
E: Evaluation – Collection of feedback, information gathered, life cycle, continuous improvement

  • Formative Assessment – Monitor student learning and provide ongoing feedback

  • Summative Assessment – Evaluate learning at the end against standard or benchmark

  • Learning Program Feedback – Pre and post training surveys and observations

ID Project Management

(White Hat Simple is Relative to Realities)



Crafting White Hat Learning Experiences:

I watched.

White Hat Instructional Design
Before, During, and After
Learning Models

ID Creation Table of Contents: 

  • White Hat Hybrid Learning – White Hat Learning Interventions

  • Blended Learning –

  • Flipped Learning –

Learning Sequence Best Practices

Hybrid | Blended | Flipped

Lecture-Based | Self-Study | In-House | Virtual




White Hat ID
Mechanics of Success
Learning Models

ID Creation Table of Contents: 

  • Defining White Hat Success –

  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP) –

  • Kirkpatrick's Levels of Training Evaluation –

  • Bloom's Taxonomy –

  • White Hat Learning Program Design Ecosystems – Making Learning Program Relevant to Participants

  • White Hat Learning Styles –

Defining White Hat Success

White Hat Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

(White Hat Simple is Relative to Realities)

Short term and long term 

Comprehension, Retention, Application 

Evaluating Learning Impact

Kirpatrick's Evaluations




Building Learning Solutions

Bloom's Taxonomy




White Hat Multimodal Learning Styles and Hybrid Interactions Model

(Traditional Learning Styles is a Myth)

VARK Baseline: Visual, Auditory, Reading and writing, and Kinesthetic

White Multimodal Hybrid Instructional Design – Mix and match as needed for the greatest impact!

  • Visual  Graphical depictions of learning facts and concepts putting training points into perspectives

  • Auditory (Verbal, Aural)  Listening to information that is presented vocally

  • Reading and Writing  Used for text-heavy resources. Learners are note-takers reference written text.

  • Kinesthetic (Physical)  Hands-on Tactile experiences engaging all senses (where reasonable and possible) 

Guidelines: Learning styles require situational guidelines to be impactful. Engage the Learner’s Senses from multiple perspectives. All learners have things in common and differences. Nature, nurture, and current circumstances influence different outcomes using the same training materials. 

Notes: Learning styles are influenced by requirements, learning environment limitations, preferred styles vs. needed styles, physical limitations, time requirements, funding, legalities, and access   

Finding the Best Hybrid Learning Interactions Mix – Balance the following options for your audience

  • Face-to-face vs. Online Instruction  123

  • Assignments  Solo, group, projects, tasks

  • Assessments  123ms

  • Fact-to-face Learning Materials Interactions  Preparing for learning, on-the-job learning,

  • eLearning Materials Interactions    

  • Tailored Learning Options   Where possible give learners choices. Learners like having a 

  • Learning Style Enhancers  Direct vs. indirect experience, Social (interpersonal) vs. solitary, logical (reflective) and mathematical, sequential, simultaneous, whatever works that you can think about and use.

  • logic models, 

Training Video Production

White Hat MVP Training Video Production

Gorilla Training Video Creation Elements

White Hat Strategies:

  • 1st Minimum Viable Products  What will make stakeholder and decision makers happy (Required vs. nice to haves)?

  • 2nd 70% Go Progress  How will we know when we are ready to start any given element?  

  • 3rd Continuous Improvement – Given all leadership realities and required timelines, how many realistic iterations can we plan to fully complete?   

Gorilla Tactics:

  • 1st Situational Realities  What positive and negative items are worthy of note?

  • 2nd Available Resources  What do you need (on-hand, acquire) to function inside the current realties

  • 3rd Mechanics of Success  Given all of the above, how will you know when you are successful?

Stakeholders and Subject Matter Experts (SME)

Content Providers  – Who will provide the raw materials? Are they willing and able to help? 

Content Verifiers (Fit for Purpose) – Who will validate and approve what is being trained? 

In-video Talent   Will non-trainers be a part of training vides (Front of Camera)? Are they willing and able to help? 

Call toAction: But Wait, There's More!

Call to Action
But Wait, There's More!

Tom's Portfolio

Artifacts & Evidence

But Wait, there is more to this topic for you to explore and experience using these links

Expand your possibilities. 

Tailored Instructional Design and Learning Experiences – Let's talk! How can we make stuff happen and drive performance? I work with stakeholders and subject matter experts to cultivate collaborations and partnerships designed to accomplish your goals.

Interactive Handout – White Hat Inspiration

White Hat 
Mechanics of Success
Models and Concepts

Social Sciences 
Leadership Lab

The Craft

Writing Effectively

the Academy

How To


White Hat Lunch and Learn Training Program

Module 1: The White Hat

Module 2: White Hat Learning and Working

Universal Foundations: Learning Set #2

Universal Foundations: Learning Set #1

Universal Foundations: Learning Set #3



the Box


© 2022 by Tom Partridge Consulting | White Hat Experience: Generation 1.0 Beta

No reproduction or republication without written permission.

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