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Tom Partridge, CPTD

 Tom's ATD

CPTD Certification

Introduction To Tom's Portfolio

Portfolio Elements
Backstory and Background
Dragon Slaying

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Fellow Traveler

I am looking for like-minded organizations that need a full-time employee, independent contractor, or contract to a full-time employee with instructional design and training skills. I am available for in-house, remote work, and I can travel. 

Tom Partridge, CPTD (since 2016)

Founder: The White Hat Experience 

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Where will your journey take you today?

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Fellow Traveler

Continuous Improvement

Audio CI_Portfolio Services Continuous ImprovementTom Partridge
00:00 / 00:07



1.0 Meet Tom Partridge

1.0 Meet Tom Partridge

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1.1: Inspiration

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe” – Abraham Lincoln

2.0 Instructional Design

2.0 Instructional Design

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2.1: Inspiration

“Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how it works.”

– Steve Jobs

Tom’s Portfolio Artifacts & Evidence

White Hat Ecosystems Experiences | #2 Instructional Design

3.0 Learning Program Design

3.0 Learning Program Design

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3.1: Inspiration

“Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.”

– Theodore Levitt (Harvard professor) 

Tom’s Portfolio Artifacts & Evidence

White Hat Ecosystems Experiences | #3 Learning Program Design

4.0 Training Delivery

4.0 Training Delivery

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4.1: Inspiration

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand” 

– Confucius

Tom’s Portfolio Artifacts & Evidence

White Hat Ecosystems Experiences | #4 Training Delivery

5.0 Leadership & Management

5.0 Leadership & Management

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5.1: Inspiration

“Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid of standing still.”

– Chinese Proverb

Tom’s Portfolio Artifacts & Evidence

White Hat Ecosystems Experiences | #5 Leadership and Management

6.0 Learning Management Systems (LMS)

6.0 Learning Management Systems (LMS)

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6.1: Inspiration

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

― Nelson Mandela 

Tom’s Portfolio Artifacts & Evidence

White Hat Ecosystems Experiences | #6 LMS Experience Platforms

Litmos LMS

Video: Lenny Awards

7.0 Universal Foundations

7.0 Universal Foundations

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7.1: Inspiration

“Fight as if you are right, listen as if you are wrong.”

― Robert I. Sutton (Book: Good Boss, Bad Boss)

Tom’s Portfolio Artifacts & Evidence

White Hat Ecosystems Experiences | #7 Universal Foundations

Call to Action: But Wait, There's More!

Call to Action
But Wait, There's More!

“Trust your dreams. Trust your heart, and trust your story.”

– Neil Gaiman

Tom's Portfolio

Artifacts & Evidence

But Wait, there is more to this topic for you to explore and experience using these links

Expand your possibilities. 

Tailored Instructional Design and Learning Experiences – Let's talk! How can we make stuff happen and drive performance? I work with stakeholders and subject matter experts to cultivate collaborations and partnerships designed to accomplish your goals.

White Hat Lunch and Learn Training Program

Module 1: The White Hat

Module 2: White Hat Learning and Working

Universal Foundations: Learning Set #2

Universal Foundations: Learning Set #1

Universal Foundations: Learning Set #3



the Box


© 2022 by Tom Partridge Consulting | White Hat Experience: Generation 1.0 Beta

No reproduction or republication without written permission.

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